We can explain what the code is and how it differs from digital information; The code is a symbolic expression, not numeric information. Your Credit Card number is a Code, not a number!!! The products you buy from the markets every day, you can see on them, easy recognition and pricing in the case of barcodes are available. These codes do not indicate a quantity or a numerical value. In other words, your Credit Card number is not a number indicating the order of your card. Likewise, the product barcode is not a number indicating the order of that product. Within that code are loaded with different meanings, such as product group, product name, product specifications. And the whole structure of the product can be defined depending on this code. As can be seen from the example of the product code I have given, the code does not only have to be composed of numbers, code can be made using any symbols. Many code structures that have entered our lives today are used in different ways in the industry.
Coding is appearing as encryption or locking. It is a mathematical science as known Cryptology. Cryptology is the branch of mathematics that encompasses both password science (cryptography) and password analysis (cryptonalysis). After you know the concepts of code and coding, you have the possibility to set a more accurate meaning to the system.
The word code comes from the word “Code”, which means an English password. The word coding refers to the encryption process. Encryption is a variety of digital applications made in text or on the sent message to ensure that a message is hidden, read-only, or understood by its authority in today’s technology. The word is also used as “Encryption”. By using to encryption, the message sent can be solved only by those with a key or password and can be read and understood.
There are prime numbers on the basis of the encryption technique.
The decoding technique starts with prime factorization.
Today, the subject of encryption is handled as “Prime Factorization: R-S-A Encryption”. RSA encryption is a public key cryptographic management found by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman and named with the initials of their last name. An RSA user generates the product of multiply two prime numbers (like 19 x 113 = 2147) and announces it as a public key, along with another value of choice. Hides the prime factors that have been selected. Someone using the public key can encrypt the message they want as they want. With this method, only the person who knows the prime factors can solve this message if the public key is big enough. The prime numbers of the information to be used for security in the protection of the data will be as many digits as possible, which will make encryption stronger. In a study concluded in 2009, a group of researchers a 232-digit number (RSA-768) into hundreds of machines for two years worked and prime factored them.
In the numerical coding of the Qur’an; We see that the coding is used not to hide the message, but to see that the message has not been changed (to be noticed) and to prevent a similar one from being produced. Again, in today’s technology, this structure is known and used as Checksum. The power of encryption in numerical coding is caused by the chain of possibilities arising from the numerical structure (equivalences, equations, symmetries and similarities) in the text by connecting to each other. As the chain of probability lengthens, the creation of a similar structure becomes difficult or even impossible. In other words, the numerical coding of the Qur’an shows us that the message is original and extraordinary, and ensures that we are sure. As a result, a significant part of the Quran’s numerical coding is similar to today’s encryption technique. Prime factorization is used for analysis.
Prime Factorization: In order to find the prime factors of a natural number, we need to divide this natural number into prime numbers, respectively, starting from the smallest prime number it can be dividedUltimately, the prime numbers that we find can be divided exactly, the prime factors of our number. (Sample: 133 = 7 x 19 266 = 7 x 19 x 2)
Although the numerical patterns in the Qur’an are not the same until all details, they are structurally similar to each other, so a systematic is observed in the Qur’an numerical coding. In today’s studies, many numerical codings covering the general and appearing locally have been discovered on the Qur’an. However, numerical coding of every point, letter, word and verse of the Qur’an has not been revealed yet. Studies are ongoing.
As a result of the studies conducted to date, it has been revealed that the coding numbers of the Qur’an numerical coding, namely the general prime factors, are 7 and 19. Mathematically the numbers 7 and 19 form pairs (Al-Mesani) in a 12-step cycle (mode 12). We can give the example of the clock for you to understand this expression easily. Because the clock system we use today includes a 12-step cycle. When we say 19 o’clock, we realize that it is 7 in the evening.
19 ≡ 7 (mod 12)
We have to realize how the 7 and 19 numerical structures are at the center of our lives and appear as a very serious phenomenon. If you take a closer look at your hanging wall clock and calendar on the wall of your room with a new perspective, you will see the 12-step cycle (mod 12) and 7-step cycle (mod 7) right there. There are 12 months in a year and 7 days a week. Therefore, 7-step cycles occur within a 12-step cycle. In the 12-step cycle, the pair of the number 7 are number 19, as I tried to explain above. The number 12 in the calendar comes from our Sun and the stars and the number 7 comes from the periods of our moon, the cosmological phenomena, they moved into our lives with the calendar.
It is possible to express the numerical structure of the divisibility by 7 and 19 numbers mathematically by the following equations.
The equivalence of the numerical coding of the Qur’an;
≡ 0 (mod 7) and/or ≡ 0 (mod 19)
When the Qur’an numerical data (Surah numbers, Verse numbers, word numbers, letter numbers, numbers that define the locations of this and similar data, etc.) are divided into 7 and/or 19, these numerical the remainder of equivalents is zero. They show that these numerical data is exactly divided by 7 and/or 19.
As a result of our studies, in the numerical coding of the Qur’an;
≡ 2 (mod 7) , ≡ 2 (mod 19) , ≡ 7 (mod 19) their equivalents were also important and should be used. Verifies the numerical coding system when the numerical data of the Qur’an divided into 7 and / or 19 gives 0 as remainder, as well as the remaining 2 verifies the numerical coding system too. That shows the numerical structure is extraordinary and original. How to use the equivalences is discussed in detail in the following sections.
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